This winter was brutally cold and wet. Right here, in the Western Cape, temperatures felt colder than the measured values. It was even “snow day” in parts of Johannesburg on Monday, 10 July 2023, as freezing winter weather gripped Gauteng.
As part of our annual Winter Drive, we do our best to spread warmth and joy by distributing winter care bags. The bags include basic food items, warm blankets, and beanies. Staff contribute by donating toiletries and assist with packing the bags.
This year, we partnered with three organisations, i.e., Peace Haven Senior Citizen Service Centre, The Father’s Heart, and the Caring Network.
For more information on these organisations and to donate, please visit:
- The Father’s Heart Community Development –
- Peace Haven Senior Citizen Service Centre | T: 021 951 4791 | E:
- Caring Network –