With increased food costs and rising electricity bills, the financial pressures continue to pile up for people, especially the needy.
With this in mind, as part of our annual Winter Drive, the CSR Committee purchased a number of basic food items and packed a total of 67 Winter Care Bags for distribution to families in need.
In conjunction with packing the 67 Winter Care Bags for two selected organisations – the CSR committee decided to include a Winter J-Drive where staff were requested to bring a new, unwanted or gently-worn jersey or jacket to share the warmth and help less fortunate children and adults during the wintertime.
The organisations we partnered with were: The Father’s Heart and The Olympians Social Development & Education.
“the sheer gratitude and joy expressed was tangible. Your generosity brought some of them to tears, it was an answer to prayer that came at a very desperate time.” – Jill Carolissen, Founder & CEO: The Father’s Heart
“One of the marvellous things about community is that it enables us to uplift people in a way we might not be able to as individuals. When we pool our strength and share the work and responsibility, we can reach many people even those in deep distress, and perhaps help them on their way.” – Olympians Social Development
For more information on these organisations and to donate, please visit:
- https://thefathersheart.org.za/
- https://www.facebook.com/Olympians-Social-Development-677314255681102/