fundPress Release


International Hedge Fund Award Winners Announced

United Kingdom – 8th February 2013 – Today marks the highly anticipated publication of the 2013 winners of the International Hedge Fund Awards.

2012 saw extremely difficult economic conditions world-wide, with the hedge funds industry in particular facing many challenges: increased market volatility; weakened global macroeconomic conditions; underperformance compared to traditional investment vehicles; and an increasing regulatory burden.

Despite this, the industry ended 2012 in a stronger position than it went in, exceeding records set in 2007 for AUM and absolute number of funds. This strong performance is in no small part due to the tireless efforts, flexibility and talent of those working within the industry.

The International Hedge Fund Awards 2013 (IHFA) celebrate excellence within the emerging asset class, recognising the people, companies and firms who are successfully forming, managing and advising on hedge funds in the current market.

The awards are given solely on merit and are awarded to commend those most deserving for outstanding work within the asset class. The International Hedge Fund Awards 2013 are a true representation of this ever-evolving market!

We are delighted to present the full list of winners and invite you to celebrate the teams that have shown the greatest strength amid on-going economic uncertainty.

“Our Hedge Fund Award winners represent the best the industry has to offer. They have gone from strength to strength during highly turbulent times and their performance in this difficult environment is testimony to their skill and dedication,” said Charlotte Abbott, Chief Coordinator of the International Hedge Fund Awards.

To find out exactly who to turn to in the hedge fund industry and to gain insight into the working practices of the best of the best, please visit the AI website ( where you can access the winner’s supplement.


Charlotte Abbott
Acquisition International Magazine
+44 (0) 844 809 4788